I’m a sucker for great packaging. I suppose you can blame my history in advertising or my lifelong obsession with design, but I appreciate the details in which, I’ve been told, God lives.
I mention this because, while 2010 has been a tremendous year for new music, it’s also been a big year for reissues. As I write this, within eyeshot are the reissues of The Stones’ Exile On Main Street, and Springsteen’s Darkness On The Edge Of Town. Both were so well executed, I ended up devoting a good chunk of time getting reacquainted with the original albums and outtakes, as well as digging into some impressive packaging. (I covet the hell out of Bowie’s Station To Station box too.) These should not be ignored just because they were released decades ago, you agist bastards, so when you get the time, circle back and check them out.
Right. Enough sentimentality and insults. On to the past 12 months.
This year’s list was a difficult one to come to. This, despite the bad grammar, is an understatement. As per usual, it’s a top ten with five runners-up, but I could have easily added to it. The list of ten is rock-solid and any of the five that follow could have easily made the cut.
Okay, then. Let’s go.

Let me begin by saying Win Butler needs to calm the fuck down. Seriously. Get a haircut and calm the fuck down, Win Butler. I’ll pay for it. (The cut, not the therapy.) Y’see, I really do like Arcade Fire when I don’t have to actually look at Arcade Fire. Win and his wife always look as if 10,000 infants will somehow perish if they don’t perform their songs. Maybe they should stop giving away plastic bags at their shows. Those bags are not toys. Having said that, their grating intensity onstage serves them well in the studio. The Suburbs is what you’d expect from them but in a good way. It’s a very good Arcade Fire album which makes it good enough to crack the ten. As a collection of songs, it feels like they’re building on Neon Bible and taking it a few steps further. Effective baby steps, indeed.
Standout track: City With No Children

A lo-fi dream come true. (I had my first lo-fi dream when I was 13. It was confusing. Nevertheless…) Tuth be told, it’s not entirely lo-fi. It just lingers along the edge. In fact, it’s a strange hybrid. It’s as if Phil Spector took off his wig, put down his gun and took Dum Dum Girls to a recording studio back in the 60’s. Weird, right? But lead singer Dee-Dee sites both The Ramones and The Ronettes as two major influences. These songs are tight and catchier than a catchy thing and, trust me, you’ll be happy to catch their debut virus.
Standout track: Bhang Bhang, I’m A Burnout

Admittedly, This Is Happening didn’t really get a good listen until recently. I can’t count myself as being a huge LCD Soundstystem fan. Chalk it up to the seizure-inducing Tribulations. (LCD Soundsystem, I want to love you, but you bring me down.) Whatever the reason, I couldn’t get my head around it. In fact, I hated it the first five or six times I played it all the way through. But the more I listen to it, the more I’m realizing it deserves to be on this list. It just keeps getting better. Why? Well, that’s the thing about LCD Soundsystem. Much like the conclusion of most of my dates, I can’t put my finger on it. So it’s best to not ask why.
Standout track: All I want

Leafing through one of the gazillion racks of CDs at Amoeba, I casually asked mine friend Jim what he thought of this album. HIs response? “It’s exactly what I’d expect, which means it’s gorgeous.” I couldn’t have said it better. Jonsi is best known as the singer and driving force of Sigur Ros, whom I invariably place on these lists with each new release. Go isn’t really a sea change from what fans have come to expect from his day job — delicate yet powerful arrangements and soaring crescendos, mainly. What it does offer is, however, exceedingly helpful to singing along: English. Real, live English that people in Kentucky would understand were they inclined to listen to musicians outside of our freedom-loving nation. Clearly, foreign musicians hate freedom, being that they weren’t born here. Circling back, suffice it to say, Icelandic isn’t a language offered in the Mt. Lebanon School District’s curriculum. Criminal, I’d say.
Standout track: Go Do

There are a lot of people who like to argue that “electronic” music has no soul. Anyone with the aforementioned point of view should listen to track 8 on Radiohead’s Kid A (and maybe consider attending the upcoming book burning in Yazoo, Mississippi). If that doesn’t do the trick, the opening track of There Is Love In You should. It’s made up of mostly sampling and is entirely beautiful. This album is one of those surprise releases for me; you won’t see many albums of this genre on my ten best lists. Because electronic music has no soul. Wait— What??
Standout Track: Angel Echoes

A couple years ago, when Portishead released Third after an eleven year hiatus, I was nervous. I sought no therapy, yet have made a full recovery. Though I still shake when I see poodles. I have no explanation for this. Anyway. Bands who take so much time off don’t often bounce back with an inspired effort. Like Michael Jordan and Brett Favre, once you’re retired, you should stay retired. Thankfully, Superchunk don’t enjoy sports, as far as I’m aware. Majesty Shredding is so… Superchunk. These songs still have the grrrrr! of Slack Motherfucker and Precision Auto and prove that there are no rules when it comes to music. Though, I’m pretty sure that it’s considered unsportsmanlike conduct if one texts a picture of one’s junk to a sideline reporter. I’ll ask around to verify.
Standout track: My Gap Feels Weird

“Yeah, we get it, you like Belle & Sebastian.” This, I imagine, is what my close friends are saying upon seeing B&S in the number four position. My response? Yeah. I do. You want to argue it, make your own damn list. Stop judging me!!!! This is — as with past lists — like that one time in band camp!!! All this being very odd because I never attended band camp. And although I have no idea whether or not Stuart Murdoch attended band camp, if he did, then, money well spent. He and his friends have released a really great album featuring some of the best polyphony I’ve heard. And while that probably sounds like a tame, uninspired way to describe an album so high on such a list, I think it’s all that needs to be said. After all, Belle & Sebastian don’t rock hard, they don't pen provocative lyrics and they don’t bite the heads off of anything, except during Easter. They just make really great albums. With some of the best polyphony I’ve heard.
Standout track: I Didn’t See It Coming

Advice to any musicians out there: When performing for a large audience, don’t repeatedly apologize for playing new songs. It turns people off and makes them not want to buy the album. It also makes the audience fidgety because they came to see Grizzly Bear and not an apologetic singer. I know this because it’s exactly what I experienced at the Palladium last year. Having written them off, I was surprised when Mr. Craig Seder sang their praises. (It wasn’t so much singing; it was more like spoken word in that he spoke the words.) After speaking, he gave me the album and I was subsequently blown away. Sooooo good. Its retro feel actually serves the songs rather than detracts from them. Each track, whether true or not, seems elementary, but I don’t want to listen to a 17-minute keyboard solo. This is not a Yes concert. It’s music for which no one should apologize.
Standout track: Zebra

Jim: Have you heard the new Deerhunter?
Me: Not yet. I’ve been meaning to. Is it good?
Jim: Holy shit.
This, the only endorsement I needed to go to the “D” section, then lay down my cash (debit card). All I need to say is, “Holy shit.” But you’ve met me. Have you ever known me to say more than two words on anything? I mean, other than an insult? No. No, you have not. This album is so good that it’s all a standout track. The songs range from kind of creepy to Bobby Sherman. (Well, not quite. But still.) This is unquestionably Deerhunter’s best work, which makes it worth more than the cash (debit card) I paid for it. The cover, however, creeps me out to no end.
Standout track: Desire Lines

Who the hell is Wild Nothing? After months of listening, to me this is like saying, “Who the hell is Joe Greene?” (Pittsburghers will get it.) This album, to my ear, is 1989 - 1993. Yes, you can hear their influences, but with songs this great, I couldn’t care less. (See what I did there? "Couldn’t" v. "Could?") That’s what Gemini does. It makes you turn a phrase correctly. Or maybe it doesn’t. What I’m sure it does do is make you glad you listened to the critics and blindly bought it. Every time I consider listening to this, I think, “Yeah, that’s a good one. I’ll listen to that.” Then I click the arrow and think, “Man, this is an outstanding one!” I mean, every time. You may just do the same, blindly or otherwise. But not deafly. I mean… Y’know…
Oh! They also released a great E.P — Golden Haze. Also pretty brilliant.
Standout track: Summer Holiday
honorable mention

Feels a bit like a sister album to Dum Dum Girls. Catchy as hell. And at this moment, I’m considering switching the two. Feels kind of like an injustice that it’s not up there, wedged in at #8. But, alas, I must stick to the rules I’ve set in place. I’m a tyrant.
Standout track: Crazy For You

“Is the Arcade Fire album that good?" "Was Phosphorescent’s release better?” These are the kinds of questions that swim in my head when I begin compiling these lists. (No, I don’t really take it as seriously as it sounds, but I do think on it extensively.) The real question should be, “Why the hell doesn’t anyone know about these guys??” Meursault is a new band for me and their album blew me away. They’re from Scotland and, therefore, not crap. This is putting it mildly. You know that moment when an album opens up for you and your brain really latches onto the melodies? When that happened with All Creatures Will Make Merry, I was sure very little could top it. Buy this album.
Standout track: Crank Solutions

I can’t remember what drew me to this one, but I was immediately glad I gave it a listen. Phosphorescent has somehow managed to make the best Wilco album since Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. It’s a series of well-crafted songs wedged between two locations, opening with It’s Hard To Be Humble (When You’re From Alabama) and closing out with Los Angeles. (They’re from neither; they’re from Athens, Georgia and are now Brooklynites.) The latter track offers the line that resonates most with me: “I ain’t came to Los Angeles just to die.” Amen, Brother Houck. Amen.
Standout track: Los Angeles

This album was on repeat for about three straight weeks. I’m happy to have found it. Though, I must admit, it loses points for a not-so-great cover of Talking Heads’ Warning Sign. Y’just don’t fuck with the classics. And if you’re going to? Make damn sure you have it down. I’m just sayin’.
Standout track: Shape Shifter

Not exactly Mr. Irrelevant. In comparison to “Boxer?” This one’s no slouch.
Standout track: Anyone’s Ghost
A final thought.

Few people bothered to put the needle to the vinyl to find out for themselves because few people knew about it, except for a pretty decent following in England. (Radiohead’s Thom Yorke sites singer Mark Mulcahy as one of his biggest influences.) Fitting that London is where I should become friends with them. I had just flown in for my second tour of duty at a Hampstead Heath Youth Hostel a week prior to an REM show, for which seemingly everyone was trying to get a ticket. In the lobby, before said show, I ran into Miracle Legion’s very jet lagged guitarist Mr. Ray Neal. I asked him where he was staying. Turns out he had no idea. And so began a summer of providing the band with a home base for their European tour. Every week or so, they’d stay at the hostel for a few days, then dash off to Amsterdam and Paris and Berlin and anywhere there was anyone who would listen. For a fan, it was a dream come true.
On the December 14th, Mark released Surprise, Surprise, Surprise on mp3. Being that the only CDs of Surprise were made Japan, copies were hard to come by and so I’ve gone a long time without the album being a staple on my rotation. Listening to it today, I’m reminded of that summer in London and my time with the band, so it obviously has a special place in my heart. But you don’t have to have had a history with Mark, Ray, Dave and Scott to enjoy its brilliance.
This is my highest recommendation this year. Hands down. You can’t get it on iTunes (yet), so the only way to downloaded it is from the site below. If you make the $10 investment, you will be rewarded.
Standout track: Crooked Path
(One of many.)
Enjoy the music, all. And let the debate begin.